How’s My Driving? - Safe Driving Blog Tips

Work related road safety has always been an important issue for organisations primarily involved in haulage and logistics management. Accident prevention however, is rapidly emerging as a critical issue for any organization which operates a fleet of vehicles, no matter how large or small.
It’s a sobering thought that transport related crashes are the biggest cause of death in industry today; road safety therefore is an important occupational health and safety issue for many businesses. Furthermore, the cost of crashes is a significant component of fleet operation expenses. More and more companies are therefore taking a systems approach to the problem to ensure that risks are identified and action taken to address those threats. Some organisations choose to operate in-house systems and others prefer to outsource the process.
Helen Davies, Managing Director of Gerald Davies Ltd, a landscape solutions company, prefers to use an outsourced scheme to manage road safety of her fleet as she finds that her drivers trust the system. She said: “Our drivers like the impartiality of the How's My Driving? scheme"
When Ross Smith brought the concept to the UK in 1995 he wanted to make it assessable to all business owners, no matter the size of their fleet. Today, as then, companies operate diverse fleets in terms of their size, vehicle make-up, work tasks and budget, and How's My Driving? remains a cost effective option for all businesses.
Managing Director, Ian McKay says: “Our vision is simply to reduce the financial and human cost associated with road traffic accidents in the UK. Ensuring that the How’s My Driving? scheme affordable for any size of organisation is an extremely important part of our ethos."
13 April 2014