How’s My Driving? - Safe Driving Blog Tips
The UK fleet industry is aiming to reach net-zero by 2050 with all new HGVs becoming carbon neutral by 2040, so reviewing your fleet’s carbon footprint has never been more important. Did you know that the transport sector is the largest source of carbon emissions in the UK, making up 37% of CO2 emissions? With HGVs accounting for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions and 13% of nitrogen oxide emissions.
So what does a sustainable fleet mean? It’s simply working to reduce your fuel consumption, decrease emissions and minimise your environmental impact. We understand that transitioning to a greener fleet whilst still meeting business objectives may seem challenging, but here are some of our simple top tips:
Review where you are right now
It’s important to first assess your current fleet, do you have high emissions and consumption? If yes, can you identify why? This information will allow you target the biggest areas for improvement first and set a baseline to review progress along the way.
Choose your vehicles wisely
Consider incorporating electric or hybrid vehicles into your fleet. These vehicles can significantly reduce your carbon footprint, and they also have lower operating costs over their lifetime.
Fleet maintenance
Whether you’re looking to purchase a new vehicle or not, regular maintenance is crucial to ensuring that your fleet operates efficiently. Regularly checking tire pressure, aligning wheels, and replacing air filters can help to reduce fuel consumption and emissions.
Invest in renewable energy
Have you considered investing in renewable energy to power your fleet? This could include installing solar panels or wind turbines to generate electricity to charge your vehicles.
Encouraging eco-friendly driving practices
Driver behaviour and style can have the largest impact on your fleet emissions and general wear and tear of your vehicles. So by educating your drivers on eco-friendly driving practices such as reducing speed, avoiding hard braking and acceleration and reducing idling, can help to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. Remember to review and optimise your drivers routes to help you calculate the best and shorted routes based on traffic, weather conditions, vehicle loads and more – saving fuel and reducing emissions.
By implementing these steps, you can run a sustainable green fleet that reduces environmental impact, lowers fuel consumption and emissions, and saves money over the long-term. Here at the How's My Driving? Service, we provide real time data about how your drivers are acting on road, allowing you to proactively manage your road risk, helping you to drive down claims and protect your drivers. Read more about how we can support your transition to become a more
sustainable fleet and company.
01 March 2023