How’s My Driving? - Safe Driving Blog Tips

Schools out for summer: How to stay safe when driving
Latest official figures show that 10,125 children were killed or injured on roads in the UK in 2020. Over the last five years this averages out at a figure of 14,696; meaning that, on average, 40 children are killed or suffer injuries as a result of road crashes every single day [1].
Over the last month more than 90,000 children from over 600 schools and nurseries have taken part in Brake's Kids Walk, which advocates their right to make safe and healthy journeys without fear or threat from traffic.
Not only are they raising awareness for children to make safe journeys to and from school, they are also seeking safety on the road during the summer. So far, this year we’ve experienced a heatwave across the UK, meaning more children are out and about enjoying the sunshine, and with most schools in England and Wales breaking up for summer mid-July, it’s estimated that drivers will be out in force this summer. With more people on the roads for both work and pleasure, driving, biking and walking - it’s even more important to stay alert, here are our top tips for driving safely around children.
Top tips
- It’s keys to pay extra attention to areas that children may congregate such as schools, parks and residential areas. Their unpredictable nature mean they don’t always look where they are going, especially if they are playing a game.
- Remember to pull out of your driveway slowly; it can be especially hard to see small children from your rear-view mirror, so always check the area before setting off.
- When you are driving in a residential areas, try and take it slowly. Many children like to play in their front gardens and may dart into the street to collect a ball or a toy without looking.
Stay safe this summer by allowing plenty of time to get to your destination, a few extra seconds to observe the area, take the turn slower and driver slowly in built up areas could save a life.
1. Department for Transport (2021) Reported Road Casualties Great Britain Annual Report 2020. Table RAS30024
14 June 2022