How’s My Driving? - Safe Driving Blog Tips

First of all, we would like to thank everyone for entering the InTandem cycle sticker competition! It was humbling to see that so many of you road users want to stop potential HGV and cycle incidents across the UK and Europe. Although there were plenty of fantastic designs, the winning sticker was chosen by a cross section of specialists Subash Ludra Past President IOSH, Julian Hubbard MP, Gordon Telling Director of Policy at Sustainable Freight Solutions and the Freight Transport Association (FTA). The sticker has proved popular and is now available for purchase.
We’d like to encourage all of our clients to take the small step of equipping their LGVs with this sticker on the rear of their vehicles. By helping this initiative, we hope our fleet customers who support the cycle sticker can play a part in reducing the potential risk of incidents across the UK and Europe as a whole and help reverse the shocking increase in the number of cyclists killed or suffering life-changing injuries.
12 June 2012